On 10/04/07, Ric Moore wrote:
On Mon, 2007-04-09 at 19:35 +0200, Michael Schwendt wrote: > On 09/04/07, Ric Moore wrote: > > What's the difference between libsndfile1 and libsndfile? They conflict, > > so what's the deal? Thanx! Ric > > http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/development/i386/repoview/libsndfile.html > > libsndfile is a Fedora package. libsndfile1 is not. Please report the > conflict to the 3rd party that offers the conflicting package. Sorry, my question was why would there be to similar rpms for what purpose? I've noticed quite a few files with an added numeral to the file name and was curious as to what or how to consider them. Just curious is all, Ric
The package with the different name is created in order to make it possible that multiple incompatible versions of the library can be installed in parallel, if packaged correctly. Sometimes this is done because different applications require a different API of the library. In other cases a 3rd party packager wants to upgrade a Fedora package to a newer [incompatible] version and moves Fedora's original release of the library into a renamed compatibility package in order to not break dependencies with other Fedora packages. If that is done without coordinating such interference with the Fedora packager, renaming packages and inserting new library versions into the Fedora run-time environment bear the risk of creating conflicts, run-time problems and upgrade problems.