Hello All, first post, hope I don't mess anything up.
First off, I'm running Fedora Core 2.6.20-1.2925.fc6
I had everything running semi smothly on a new intel board, found out that my cd problems were caused by the board, so I swapped for an old abit aw8-max, everything else remaining the same.
When I tried to boot, after "Red Hat Nash version starting" I get the error:
"Unable to access resume device (LABEL=SWAP-sda2)"
"mount: could not find filesystem '/dev/root'"
Then a series of errors that I assume are a result of not being able to mount these partitions?
Now from my little knowledge I figure that maybe the drives get ordered/named differently with the new motherboard, maybe sda is where sdb used to be (btw have 2 sata drives, that were working fine before switching mobo). So I switch the SATA cables. This time the system can't find anything to boot on, uh oh.
I put in the install disk I used, and run "linux rescue" it succesfully detects the install, and i think it mounts ok (little fuzzy on what that means exactly but I didnt get any errors geting to the rescue shell) When I get to a command line i type the only command i can think of "fdisk -l" and see the drives detected correctly and the partitions on them listed correctly as well.
From here I do not know what to do, just not enought knowledge. I could start fresh but I had things setup just the way I liked them (with mythtv).
Help/suggestions? If you need more info please ask.