I did that, disabled atrpms completely. I even erased it's channel as
nothing else seemed to work. Now doing the update and it STILL seems to
use atrpms. At least it is now dnloading packages. This is truly weird,
and I'm using the GUI. <sighs> Ric
I think you are confusing two different things.
Removing the atrpms channel simply removes the use of the third party
rpms that Axel kindly builds for FC. This is completely different to not
using the mirror of the official fedora update channel that the atrpms
server also hosts. This is explained in Axel's post.
So instead of trying to disable the atrpms channel, you need to look
into the mirrors you are using for the standard update channel. I think ;)
I guess the reason it is now working is because the the mirror at atrpms
is now back on line ?