Ed Greshko wrote:
Goodwin - W2BOD wrote:
Ed Greshko wrote:
Bob Goodwin - W2BOD wrote:
Eureka! It works, once I figured out
that I had to do 'service named restart' each time I made a change,
added an address to be blocked.
While that works, you really should be updating the serial number each
time you make a change to a zone file. This is good practice to get
into if you decide to learn a bit more of bind. I tend to use the
YYYYMMDDX format for my serial numbers. Basically 10 changes/day....I
seldom do more.
Then all you need do is "kill -1" on the named pid.
I'm strictly an amateur at this computer game, there's a lot I don't
know, where is the serial number?
Your comment/help is appreciated. Thanks.
Let's look at one example that Tim gave you....
---------------[begin example]------------------
$TTL 86400
@ IN SOA ns.localdomain. hostmaster.mail.localdomain. (
200 ; serial
28800 ; refresh
7200 ; retry
604800 ; expire 86400 ;
IN NS ns.localdomain.
----------------[end example]-------------------
It is the line that reads:
200 ; serial
In one of my zone files I have....
2006091401 ; serial
You can see I haven't made changes to that zone in quite a while.
Also, looks like I use XX back then.
You may find this helpful in the future when you enter the novice stage
and start making secondary nameservers. If you don't update (increase)
the serial number then even if you restart named the secondary servers
will not get updated. They use the serial number to know that a change
has been made.
Do I understand that I should edit "200 ; serial"
"20070402 ; serial"
in /var/named/chroot/etc/dead.zone
Bob Goodwin