Sorry for not replying sooner. Haven't read my emails for a few days... Anyways... The problem is that YUM is looking for repositories located on the net. Since you don't have internet access, it gives you the error and boots you out of the program. (Also, on some distributions, some of the repositories lack a proper address) What you need to do is go to the yum .cnf file. (Can't remember the exact location. try "man yum".) You need to disable those repos and make sure there are repos that point to your disk. Personally, I use KYUM it doesn't boot me out for this error and allows me to edit the repos, enable/disable and all that from the GUI. Let me know if you need more info. George P.S. Might take me a little time to get back. But there are plenty of others here that can help. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time with the Yahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.