Simon Slater <pyevet@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have 3 computers A, B & C connected through an hub. B is a file
server running FC1, A & C have new installs of FC6. A & C can mount
shares on B. However showmount -e gives:
# mount clntudp_create: RPC: Program not registered
from B to either of A or C; from C to A; A to C or itself.
The mount -t nfs C:/share /mnt command from A returns:
# mount: mount to NFS server 'C' failed: System Error: No route to host.
similarly fron C to A. Yet from server B the same command to either A
or C returns:
# mount: RPC: Remote system error - no route to host.
Each box can ping the others, the /etc/hosts and /etc/exports files
seem to be in order. What am I missing?
Simon Slater
NFS of FC1 vintage would probably still be using UDP. Not sure if NFS
over TCP was even an option. Check your firewall rules on B to see what
it does with UDP packets. Ditto for A and C since B could be accepting
the packets but A and C throw them away at their firewall. tracepath
(like traceroute but for UDP packets) may give you some additional
It sounds like B has been around for a while and A and C are relatively
new installs. Is this the case? Did this just come up when A and C got
an FC6 install?
Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
-- Ambrose Bierce