On 3/22/07, Mark Haney <mhaney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hikaru Amano wrote: You know, I'm ALL for making things easier to use, but seriously, where does the line get drawn between 'easier to use' and 'we know what's best for you'. I see this app as more of a way to potentially steer people to certain apps/commands/etc that may or may not be the 'easiest to use'. My $0.02.
The potential i see in the bash plugin is that it will help new Windows-to-Linux power users to learn the system quicker .. and those power users are potential developers and contributors .. in the chase to bring GNU/Linux to normal home users, power users/hobbyist should not be forgotten ... I was a power user on windows before, and I feel the plugin will help new power-user/hobbyist converts to learn faster .. and hopefully, started to contribute back to the community .. normal home users mostly whiners .. but power users work their way out - and learn! .. more power users = more bug testers , more people to submit patch , more new ideas , more creative-playfulness! - thats something that can benefit the community a lot ... my 1c -- ----------------------------------------------- regards Hikaru ----------------------------------------------- Mohd Izhar Firdaus Bin Ismail Amano Hikaru 天野晃 「あまの ひかる」 Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS ICT 2nd Year 1st Semester mohd.izhar.firdaus@xxxxxxxxx ----------------------------------------------- kagesenshi.87@xxxxxxxxx Blog: http://kagesenshi.blogspot.com -----------------------------------------------