On Tue, 20 Mar 2007, John Wendel wrote:
Steve Friedman wrote:
I look at the menu entry and see that it runs /usr/bin/esc. I strace esc
and see that it dies when it can't run "escd" (permission denied). I also
see it looking for lots of other files that don't exist.
So, at last, my question; does anyone have this stuff working, and if so,
What is the output of:
/sbin/chkconfig --list escd
I don't run that code, but you might also want to do an
"rpm -qfl /usr/bin/esc" to see what other daemons need to be running.
(Then, as root, do "/sbin/chkconfig escd on" so that the daemons will start
on the next reboot and "/sbin/service escd start" so they will start this
Useful, generic advice; but it doesn't' seem to apply in this case, since
escd isn't a daemon that is managed by chkconfig / service. The are only 2
executables "esc" and "escd" and a script "esc".
It appears that one just runs "esc" and it should "do the right thing". The
documentation says to run esc at the command prompt or click "Smart Card
Manager" in the system menu.
As I said, I don't run that code; however, I noticed that esc required
pcsc-lite, which does have a daemon. Is pcscd up and running?
Steve Friedman