On Tue, 20 Mar 2007, John Wendel wrote:
I look at the menu entry and see that it runs /usr/bin/esc. I strace esc and
see that it dies when it can't run "escd" (permission denied). I also see it
looking for lots of other files that don't exist.
So, at last, my question; does anyone have this stuff working, and if so,
What is the output of:
/sbin/chkconfig --list escd
I don't run that code, but you might also want to do an
"rpm -qfl /usr/bin/esc" to see what other daemons need to be running.
(Then, as root, do "/sbin/chkconfig escd on" so that the daemons will
start on the next reboot and "/sbin/service escd start" so they will start
this time.)
Steve Friedman