I have an external 250 GB hard disk that I use for backup. I use Gnome and when I log into Gnome it automounts. But if I am not logged in Gnome it is not mounted. I'd like to have it mounted all the time. I'd like to be able to get the backups running even if no user is logged in. I have it formatted with ext3. One way I understand it can be done is to enter a line in /etc/fstab. I entered the following line: /dev/sdb1 /media/Backup ext3 auto,hotplug,defaults 1 (I have a physical /media/Backup dir created with the right permissions). but I got an error at the bootup process telling me that the filesytem was not ready, it didn't like that line. What is the right syntax for the fstab line? (I also tried once to put LABEL=Backup insted of /dev/sdb1 since this is the label of the disk and it froze completely at that line, had to boot in with live cd and erase manually). I understand that there is also a way of using autofs to have the disk be mounted automatically when I try to access it, but I haven't been able to figure out how to configure it (change the /etc/auto.master file?). Thanks for any suggestions. -- Walter Garcia-Fontes Barcelona