Tom Horsley wrote:
On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 15:59:24 -0400
jim tate <mickeyboa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
What command could I use to show me duplicate packages of RPM's , with
different version numbers.
Yum isn't taking out older versions of some packages when updating, and
it causes problem when updating
If you are running a 64 bit fedora, this is often due to the 32 bit
repos being out of sync with the 64 bit repos when yum tries
to update (together with the insane practice of installing billions
and billions of "duplicate" rpms in 32 and 64 bit versions by default).
I do two things to solve this - I either wait a day and try to update
again (which usually works), or if I'm impatient and can't see any
reason to have the 32 bit version of whatever is causing the conflict
I'll do an rpm -e on whatever-package.i386 and just get rid of the
source of the conflict.
This is on a i386 box.