My complaint is that it is arbitrary and inconsistent.
Let me think for a moment.......
Most of those on this list are humans. Humans are, by nature, arbitrary and
inconsistent, as well as illogical at times. What else would explain why
someone close to me will not eat the skin of a potato but has no problem
eating a carrot that has not been peeled? I could tell you her "reason" but
I suspect most would find it arbitrary and illogical. And, it has nothing
to do with taste.
So, who designed computers? Who writes software? Humans. I asked my cats
about it and they just scoffed and indicated that as long as I provided them
clean water, good food, and kept the litter box neat they are happy.
So, humans write software and by nature are inconsistent.
However, humans can, if they want, adapt. Humans can deal with the
arbitrary and inconsistencies of life. Some decide not to. For them it
seems better to complain about the state of affairs. They take no action,
other than words, to change what they see as arbitrary and inconsistent.
All I can say is, if one doesn't like what is given to them (and linux is
given) then insert oneself into the development stream and tidy things up.