Robert Anderson wrote:
On 2/19/98, Robert Stevens <stevens8136@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I purchased a computer on ebay with Fedora core. The Fedora core boots
up, but asks for a user name and password and I can't go any further.
seller is not helpful. Is there any way I can get past the user name and
password. This is a gateway computer. The computer is useless to me
as it
Sorry to reply "through you" Robert.
One way to deal with this is to boot from a LiveCD like Knoppix
and chroot then change the root password to what you want, and add
a user for yourself. Then reboot, and log in as your new user.
Then you can use "su -" to change to root, and give yourself
sudo priviledge, and open up any files you want by chmod'ing
them to allow your user access.
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I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
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