On 05/02/07, Gueckel, P. <gueckelp@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I jsut booted up Stellarium. Between Italiano and Latvieso, there are 2 languages listed on my system that appear as boxes. I don't have hebew istalled, I am relatively certain. Hebrew, if supported by Stellarium, is likely one of these 2. Go into stellarium setup and look on the first (left) setup tab and check under Program Language and set it there. If you cannot determine it, becasue they are all boxes, then try the following. In your /home/.stellarium directory you should find a config.ini file. Open it in kwrite and scroll down to [localization]. Where is says app_locale =, you will put the abbreviation for hebrew (he, maybe?). save and restart stellarium. That's all he knows. Hope it helps. :-)
Thanks. I switched it to "en" and I can read the text. Some constallation names are still boxes, but now I can at least navigate the program. Thank you very much. Dotan Cohen http://lyricslist.com/lyrics/lyrics/63/64/beatles/with_the_beatles.html http://what-is-what.com/what_is/sex.html