Craig White wrote:
How is this a postgresql issue? Shouldn't the solution really be posted
to the distributions that combine those packages in a way that caused
the problem?
probably - you're on the CentOS list though. You've seen that SELinux
doesn't get much love there.
Consider the situation: you are running large applications built by
teams of programmers that may no longer be around as the main source of
income for your company. When it starts breaking randomly because the
operating system changes its mind about how it works, what kind of
reaction would you expect?
but CentOS doesn't alter things from upstream and upstream packager (Tom
Lane) is already aware of my solution.
It is change over time that breaks things and costs money, not change
between 2 current versions of the same thing. Enterprises have this
funny concept about keeping their business running and don't like
surprises. That's why they are using a unix-like OS in the first place.
Les Mikesell