Today Gilboa Davara did spake thusly:
I'm guessing here, but it seems to me that both kopete and aMsn throttle down the FPS if the upstream bandwidth is too low.
They send just as fast as they get jerkiness because the software shows you what the other person is seeing when you're connected instead of just your video at full frame rate when you're disconnected, same as MSN/Yahoo Messenger, etc do.
-- Scott van Looy - email:me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | - the in place for outcasts since 2003 PGP Fingerprint: 7180 5543 C6C4 747B 7E74 802C 7CF9 E526 44D9 D4A7 ------------------------------------------- |/// /// /// /// WIDE LOAD /// /// /// ///| ------------------------------------------- Men use thought only to justify their wrong doings, and speech only to conceal their thoughts. -- Voltaire