David Boles <dgboles@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I will post these five hits from the very first Google page:
which will provide more information than you would probably need or care to
read. But more answers than what you received in the several days of this thread.
The O'Reilly SELinux book by Bill McCarty also provides an excellent
treeware presentation of SELinux. It won't keep you awake at night but
it provides a really complete explanation of how SELinux works, how to
create and customize policies, etc.
Humorously, SELinux would even *prevent* the example of given by Dave
Boles of the NVidia binary driver sending back information to the
"mother ship". SELinux policy (if active) would not allow a video
driver to open a network link. ;-)
Here's a link to O'Reilly for the book:
Unfortunately, the book is already a little dated with regard to
distribution specifics since it was published in 2004.
Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
-- Ambrose Bierce