Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Hadders wrote:
Hi all,
I'm just wondering how I get an old kernel module from livna kmod?
I need to get the module for 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp, how would I go that?
A yum --enablerepo livna list kmod-nvidia only shows me the installed
ones and that latest one.
Thanks in advance. Hadders
There is probably a better way, but two that come to mind are to go
to the Livna web site, and download the RPM you want, and install
it with rpm -ivh <RPM name>, or run yumex and pick it from the
install list. Yumex will list all the modules that are not
installed, including ones for kernels you do not have installed.
I'm sorry I can't seem to find the old rpms at the livna site. I look
under http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/ and get a directory listing and can
rummage around, but can't find the old releases.
Again, yumex just shows me the latest to install, not a legacy driver.
Any suggestions?