Ian Malone wrote:
Okay, I've had this problem for a while and I'm beginning
to wonder why.
Firefox sometimes responds very slowly, especially when
rendering Wikipedia and a few other pages (mostly wikis
actually). I don't mean connecting to the internet, I mean
responding to the user; e.g. I run a mouse gestures
extension which can become unusable with a couple
of Wikipedia tabs open. Booting the same machine into
Windows Me and running Firefox I don't have this problem.
System is FC5, Athlon 1.3GHz, 1GB RAM, GeForce 3 Ti200
with Nvidia drivers.
Not sure if this will address your particular problem but on every Fedora machine I
consider it mandatory to launch firefox with MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO set. Otherwise the Fedora
build of FF uses the abomination that is pango to render text, slowing down rendering
To see if you're using pango type about: in your location bar.
If you see something like this:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061108 Fedora/
If the word "pango" is present then you'd best take action.
Some people recommend uncommenting the lines:
in /usr/bin/firefox which will do for the time being, but bear in mind you'll need to
repeat that every time you do a FF update.
I have export MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO=1 in /etc/profile to take care of it once and for all.
best regards,