On 11/16/06, Chris Jones <jonesc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> So thats my reasoning.... Maybe my idea is flawed ? Actually, I've just tried renicing compiz (and Xorg) to -19 as root for the user in question, and it doesn't actually work that well. Its much more useful to renice the cpu intensive processes to +19.
I had a similar problem with compiz and beryl. I downloaded a tool called schedtool that alows the root user to change the schetuler for applicatios as well as their nice value. By doing this: schedtool -R -p 1 -n -3 `pgrep Xorg` I have changed xorg to use the realtime process sceduler and have it runnnig at a nice value of -3 It has sorted out compiz and beryl for me. if you are using gdm you can place the command in the /etc/gdm/PostLogin/Default script, make it executable and gdm will run the comand for you every time yo login... I got schedtool from here. http://freequaos.host.sk/schedtool/schedtool-1.1.2.tar.bz2 -- Rob