"Ian Malone" <ibmalone@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
2. Anaconda apparently doesn't allow partitioning of discs
(?!!!, either something has changed since FC5 or they
couldn't find the feature, in which case it needs to be
easier to find doesn't it?)
I guess it was all in my imagination when I tweaked the partitioning on
my laptop when I installed FC6. The partitioning installation page
gives you choices like: take over that hard disk, keep existing
partitioning or "custom partitioning." Only if you select "custom
partitioning" does the installer give you a chance to screw things up
with disk druid if you don't know what you're doing.
I'd say it's a feature.
Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
-- Ambrose Bierce