On 16/11/06, Andy Green <andy@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi folks - The new issue of Linux Format (a fairly high circulation UK magazine) has FC6 all over the cover and six pages inside about it, including interviews. There's another two pages comparing it to Ubuntu, it seems by someone who really liked Ubuntu. FC6 -> 8/10, Ubuntu -> 9/10.
I've just been looking through it in Waterstones (although I got Linux Magazine for the FC6 DVD in the end). While I didn't read the FC6 features, I did look at Fedora vs Ubuntu. Overall they scored Fedora lower on usability although, as usual on reading the article, I got the impression that the stuff you are expected to do on Ubuntu is easier and anything else is harder. There were a few of interesting points, mainly about the install, and all of which sound slightly familiar: 1. They complained that pirut is yum based and infuriatingly slow. 2. Anaconda apparently doesn't allow partitioning of discs (?!!!, either something has changed since FC5 or they couldn't find the feature, in which case it needs to be easier to find doesn't it?) 3. They describe finding out whether FC6 will run on your machine as 'suck it and see'. Overall though I think they come out fairly even in the article, FC6's lower usability score (by two points, 7/10 vs 9/10 IIRC) is what brought it down overall. -- imalone