Hi All After an upgrade (FC5->FC6) my gnome desk-top exits when I'm away from the machine sometime, killing everything that is running. In /var/log/messages I find: Nov 14 17:48:43 hrem175 gconfd (joukj-7837): GConf server is not in use, shutting down. Nov 14 17:48:43 hrem175 gconfd (joukj-7837): Exiting Is this some feature or bug? and how can I configure the desktop to stay working forever? Jouk Bush : All votes are equal but some votes are more equal than others. >------------------------------------------------------------------------------< Jouk Jansen joukj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Technische Universiteit Delft tttttttttt uu uu ddddddd Kavli Institute of Nanoscience tttttttttt uu uu dd dd Nationaal centrum voor HREM tt uu uu dd dd Lorentzweg 1 tt uu uu dd dd 2628 CJ Delft tt uu uu dd dd Nederland tt uu uu dd dd tel. 31-15-2782272 tt uuuuuuu ddddddd >------------------------------------------------------------------------------<