Jack Byers byersj@xxxxxxxxxxx
Philip Prindeville wrote
Isn't "lpadmin" supposed to be able to do everything that the server
on port :631 does?
that appears mostly correct, but not completely,
as per carla schroder ch14 p244-245 linux cookbook
in Discussion re using lpadmin
this long cmd does the same thing as (web interface) example:
#lpadmin =p hp6L -L room-202 -D bw-laser -E -v parallet:/dev/lp0 \
-m HP-LaserJet-6-hpijs.ppd
if have Gimp-Print and Foomatic installed ....
find additional PPDs in
/usr/share/cups/model/gimp-print ...and in xxxxx/foomatic
they are compressed; You will need to uncopress and move it to
#gunzip HP-LaserJet_6-hpijs.ppd.gz && mv HP-LaserJet_6-hpijs.ppd
It is not necessary to uncompress and mvoe PPD files when you install
using the CUPS web interface
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