Robin Laing wrote:
Mike McCarty wrote:
You didn't address my statement, though. Currently, my fstab has to
have the mount parameters in it, and that has to point to a node in
/dev. The node I need to use changes based on the phase of the moon,
and other things I don't have control over. So each time I boot, I have
to edit /etc/fstab to fiddle it up to correspond to how the machine
came up. This is true even if I use the mount point when mounting
(which I normally do), rather than the device node (which I rarely
In my case, hal sets the fstab. There are no entries for /dev/sd(x) in
my work computer. At least not until I plug in my USB stick.
Once again, you have not addressed my statement. I need to override the
default mount modes on my FLASH stick.
This is the tail of my /etc/fstab at work before I insert my stick.
/dev/hdc /media/cdrecorder auto
pamconsole,exec,noauto,managed 0 0
Here it is after.
/dev/hdc /media/cdrecorder auto
pamconsole,exec,noauto,managed 0 0
/dev/sda1 /media/Robin_Laing vfat
This does not meet my needs. I do not want a vfat mount.
It is done automatically.
First, that does not happen automatically on my machine.
Second, even if it did, it would not address my needs. I wish
to override the default mount.
The overall topic seems not to have been addressed at all,
AFAICT.Now my ethernet ports (embeded on mother board) seem to be set
in /etc/sysconfig/ or someplace. I don't remember. I have only had
one issue with ethernet since putting FC4 on my computer. See what
happens when FC6 gets installed.
Now my ethernet ports (embedded on mother board) seem to be set in
/etc/sysconfig/ or someplace. I don't remember. I have only had one
issue with ethernet since putting FC4 on my computer. See what happens
when FC6 gets installed. I only use the one port.
I find it hard to have a default name for every device as that would
entail millions of names to deal with duplication of devices on the same
machine. If the device is identified, then that should be enough. Let
the user customize.
But that's precisely what the user *can't* customize, as I've been
pointing out. Which physical card is eth0 and which is eth1 is
not something the user has control over. I only have one USB disc
on my machine. It is always connected. But when I boot it is
sometimes /dev/sda, sometimes /dev/sde. I have no control.
I am no wizard with this and you are now asking me questions beyond my
I'm not a wizard at this, either. :-)
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!