Hello List, as I posted yesterday, I run FC 6 on my office box. It is really gorgeous. Beside the OpenOffice.org bug I only have a technical question (for this time). To get an internet connection I need to initialize at boot time a vpn connection to one of the university servers. If SELinux is enabled, the connections is blocked. I simply have no idea, what do I have to change. I would like to use SELinux. I will especially need it, if I will migrate the public workstations from SUSE to Fedora Core. They also need vpn connections. I would be also glad, if someone could point to howtos! Thanks, -- Tibor Attila Anca Kommissarischer Studieninspektor Evangelisch Theologisches Stift an der Universität, Hans Iwand Haus Humboldstr. 42 53115 Bonn Fon: +49.(0)228.73-2200 Fax: +49.(0)228.73-9788 eMail: studinsp-hih[at]gmx.de URL: http://www.hih.uni-bonn.de/