"Styma, Robert E (Robert)" <stymar@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Could you clarify the statement "VNC works just fine without it.".
The "Load VNC" update to xorg.conf allowed remote access to display:0,
that is the desktop viewed if you were sitting in front of the machine.
I use this for a number of people I help. When they are stuck on
something, the will give me a call. I can ssh to their Linux box and
bring up the desktop they are looking at. It is much easier to talk
someone through an issue when you can see what is going on.
Starting VNC separately from the command line opens a separate independent
display (default display:1).
So is this issue a bug to be fixed or a feature which was taken away?
Bob Styma
I guess the question comes down to, what does "works" mean? I'm only
attempting to get a remote desktop running; not share the current X
session. I can see how that could be helpful for support and requires
loading the vnc module. I haven't used VNC for that; just for allowing
a remote desktop (separate display).
Sounds like we need the OP to clarify what kind of access he wants.
Does he just need a remote desktop or does he need to share the current
X session? My take on both the post that started this thread and the
referenced bug was that they only referred to a remote session but I
could be wrong.
Regardless of the answer to the above, it sounds like some functionality
(load vnc module and have glx) has been taken away. If this used to
work prior to FC6, it might be worth it to open a bug even if it gets
thrown back at you with a WONTFIX. I upgraded my systems that were
running FC4 or FC5 to FC6 so I can't verify that it worked in prior
releases of FC. I just checked on my CentOS 4.4 box (running vncserver
to a FC6 vnc-client) and glx isn't available in the vnc session but is
available from the console. This is consistent with what I see with an
FC6 vncserver.
Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
-- Ambrose Bierce