Anne Wilson wrote:
On Wednesday 11 October 2006 15:29, Jonathan Allen wrote:
I asked on the OO Users list about the Autocorrect facility in OO:
ME> I keep wondering where AutoCorrect has gone.
OO> It's still there in the original OOo builds.
ME> It is still documented in the help system, but when you try
ME> Tools->AutoCorrect, the 'Replacement' tab is not present (this on
ME> OO 2.0 on FC4).
OO> If so, it seems RedHat preferred to remove the functionality in their
OO> build.
Can anyone else confirm either the behaviour or the decision ? Why isn't
the functionality there, and if it had to go, why not remove it from the
help system ?
I can confirm that there is no Replacement tab on my FC4 system. I don't use
autocorrection, so I hadn't noticed.
Where in the name of Richard Stallman has everybody /been/? The
AutoCorrect Replacement tab has not been available in OpenOffice since
Fedora Core /One/! As a result, I have never been able to produce a
one-character ellipsis without inserting it as a special character and
then finding-and-replacing every instance of three periods with the
Nor have I been able to achieve automatic replacement of (c) or (R) with
the circle-c and circle-R copyright and registered-trademark symbols.
Auto-correction has been one of my most important features. Doing
without the Replacement tab has been for me a constant source of
annoyance--made worse because I didn't know whom to complain to about it.
What I really would like to know is: where do I go to put the
functionality /back/ into OpenOffice? Must I remove OpenOffice entirely
and then rebuild it from source using a tarball from