Re: strange tone in recored sound

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Faust Nijhuis wrote:
Tim wrote:

On Tue, 2006-09-26 at 19:42 +0200, Faust Nijhuis wrote:
I have a problem with recording sound. It makes no difference  how it
is recorded, mythtv or just a microphone.  When i  play the recorded
sound it sounds like a bad radio from 40 years ago. And there is
irritating tone in it.

That could be your hardware, some sound hardware is awful.  But you
haven't told us what you have (including the motherboard model might be
worthwhile, as well), nor provided a sound sample.
The problem cannot be the hardware because before this problem it did 
function well
for 2 years. And under knoppix (live dvd) the record sound is still good.

Is it allowed to attach a sound sample?

Does it play other-recorded sounds fine?
No, all recorded sounds are bad.


No hardware is stable.  If the system worked in the past is no 
indication that it is still fine.  Things break down over time.  A 
capacitor failing could cause the problems you indicate.
How is the sound if you play a CD?  Do you have the same noises?

Do you have any noises when just turning the volume up with no signal?

Try making a recording using the mic input with no mic attached.

As for attached files. They don't get through the filters. You would have to use personal email to someone. I will take a listen.

Robin Laing

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