Re: chroot to oldlinux to run legacy app, with X

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Jack Byers     byersj@xxxxxxxxxxx

first do folowing two commands  from your mainlinux
[root@bootp byers]# mount --bind /tmp /corni/tmp
[root@bootp byers]# xhost local:localhost
then do the chroot:
# /usr/sbin/chroot /corni
I think this will work chrooting from any linux to any other linux,
I have been told trouble will occur
if trying to chroot from a 64bit linux to a 32bit linux
I  dont yet have 64bit linux but will soon
Any advice when trying chroot 64bit ->32 bit?


Don't forget the .Xauthority cookie.
$ cp  /home/<your home>/.Xauthority   /mnt/FC4/home/<your chroot home>


thanks for response
I have never yet needed to copy .Xauthority

did you intend this as something required when trying to chroot from 64bit linux ->32 bit linux
as per my original question?
or just general good advice?


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