From: Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: For users of Fedora Core releases <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Disaster now no GUI
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 04:15:51 +0000 (UTC)
Jim Douglas <jdz99 <at>> writes:
> Now when I reboot after an install my monitor gives me a "Signal out of
> range" and goes into sleep mode before booting is complete....and it
> come back.. any ideas?
Edit the boot commands in GRUB, add a space and the number 3 to the kernel
command line (telling the kernel to boot in runlevel 3, i.e. without GUI),
in as root and run:
system-config-display --reconfig
Configure a valid (resolution, color depth, refresh rate) triplet, click OK
reboot (this time without forcing runlevel 3).
Kevin Kofler
fedora-list mailing list
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system-config-display --reconfig doesn't work from linux rescue.
This whole problem came about because I changed the display setting from
within KDE even though it had correctley identified the monitor and gave me
a list of valid resolutions.
In the future is anyone changes the display resolution it would be best if I
had a default caonfig file I could restore.
When you update the display resolution, what file gets updated on disk?.