Re: How do I make an installation initrd.img for a new kernal?

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Brad Bonkoski wrote:
man mkinitrd
Unless I'm missing something I'll end up with an initrd.img that will boot the system I run mkinitrd on. It will not have the contents that the initrd.img has on
the CDs.

I've looked inside the /boot/initrd.img and
images/pxeboot/initrd.img and they have massive differences
in files in the img.

Barry Scott wrote:
I need up update the newwork install for FC4 so that it
supports new hardware (nVidia ethernet - forcedeth).

The 2.6.17 kernel is fine in this case. But the initrd.gz that
is installed in /boot is nothing like the images/pxeboot/initrd.img
from the installation CD.

I need to know how the images/pxeboot/initrd.img  was made
so that I can make a new one for the 2.6.17 kernel.

Can anyone point in the right direction?


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