Nautilus cannot display windows network?

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I have a network of 5 computers which has been working fine until recently. I have one FC5 box setup as a samba server, and there are 4 other boxes using Windows XP or 98.
Findsmb displays all the computers on the network, and the windows 
machines can access
the shared files/folders, and can print through the FC box, but when I 
try to browse the network
in Gnome, be it through "places>Network Servers>Windows 
Network>workgroup, or through
the other gnome network tools, I get the following message:

The folder contents could not be displayed.

Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: workgroup".

Somehow one of the system updates in the last few days, has mangled things, and I am at a loss as to how to troubleshoot it. I have tried google, but so far haven't been
able to find anything relevant.

I can ping the various boxes, but for some reason Nautilus cannot view them.
I have the same trouble as user and as root.

Any troubleshooting suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

cheers, Paul - VA7NT - email: va7nt@xxxxxxxxx

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