Re: FC6-test 2

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On Wed, 30 Aug 2006, Guillermo Garron wrote:

On 8/30/06, Jim Cornette <fc-cornette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Guillermo Garron wrote:
> Hi all,
> If i download FC6 test 2 and install it when the official version is
> released do I have to download it again? or just with a yum update I
> will have it on my PC?
> thanks,
> regards,
> Guillermo.

FC6T3 should be available on the 11th of next month. The third phase is
supposed to be bug fixes only and no major additions or removal of software.
If you wanted to follow the phase 3 and report bugs to help remove bugs
from making it to a final burn for the FC6 release, it would probably be
the best chance for moving over to FC6 when it is finalized.

After the test phase, it is possible to download the fedora-release
package which will reset your repos to look for FC6 repos instead of the
development repos that the test phases use for pulling in updates.

Unless you want to help weed out the bugs before the relese, it is
probably best to wait for FC6 to hit the mirrors and main site.
If you are wanting to use the new blinggy X effects and have an NVIDIA 
card, you will need to wait as well.  The new driver supports xorg 7.1, 
but not the pixmap to texture extension needed by Compiz.  (I was under 
the impression that this was in this driver.  Painful experience taught me 
otherwise.)  And NVIDIA has still not fixed the external monitor detection 
in their current driver.  (Which makes laptop usage a pain if you use a 
projector a lot.)
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