Bringing Up Wireless Connections Automatically

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How do I get Fedora Core 5 to automatically detect and set up my wireless connection? I can see that it detects the Broadcom 43xx (I think it's a 4316) integrated wireless controller, but the runlevel 5 scripts don't actually detect and configure the connection with the essid and encryption key, then do a dhcp call to get an IP address, the host name, and the DNS information.
If I do this manually in a terminal as root:

iwconfig eth1 essid hummr
iwconfig eth1 key open xxxx...
dhclient eth1

The wireless connection comes up and Firefox can visit websites etc. But I have 2 problems:
The hostname isn't changed from localhost.localdomain to the one I want for 
this machine (it should be supplied by my dhcp server)
I'm only getting an 11 Mbps bitrate and I know this wireless connection can 
do 54.
and perhaps a third issue:

The connection doesn't seem able to scan for available wireless networks, either.
Thanks for any advice that can be supplied. I did look for this information 
on and I also Googled.
Bob Cochran 

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