2006/8/24, Gayal <gayal.rupasinghe@xxxxxxxxx>:
hi I want setup XGL on my laptop. its running FC5 with a ATI X700 graphic card.
hi. I have installed XGL on Fedora5 with same ati card! for installation follow this instruction: http://fedoraxgl.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Installation_en for perfecet setup use the kernel: 2.6.17-1.2157_FC5 with this ati driver downloaded from livna repository: kmod-fglrx-8.27.10- xorg-x11-drv-fglrx-8.27.10-3.lvn5.i386.rpm with the last kernel, for example, google earth don't work! if don't start XGL: in the file: /etc/gdm/custom.conf add [daemon] GdmXserverTimeout=30 bye luca -- Il termine Hacker Gli hacker sono delle persone dedicate all'elevato ideale di rendere la tecnologia accessibile a tutti, persone dedite al culto della bellezza e decise ad aiutare gli altri grazie alla potenza tecnologica. www.lucaporcu.com