I was able to install the 32-bit version of FC5 on a newer Toshiba laptop - everything works perfectly. I run into problems, however, when trying to install the 64-bit version on two virtually identical AMD Athlon 64 systems. I checked the DVD first and it passed the test. But near the end of the install on the first system it could not find or install a program (I don't remember which at this point). So I installed FC4 instead (without any problems). Tonight I made a new DVD of the 64-bit iso file and it passed the test also. I tried to install this on the second Athlon system (same motherboard as the first system). The install fails early on after asking about updating grub. It complains that it cannot unmount the dvd (resource busy). When I looked at some of the consoles, there appeared to be a number of problems concerning the DVD drive or files. (This system currently runs FC4 - it installed without any problems like the first system.) Any suggestions on how to proceed? I would like to upgrade to FC5 as FC4 is long in the tooth. (Both FC4 systems are up to date with patches, BTW.) Rick B.