Re: How to install Windows Codecs in firefox for MPLAYER

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alan wrote:

Actually Apple Trailers are a codec issue. (Exact codec name escapes me at the moment.) There is a win32 codec pack available on the mplayer site that will play just about everything, including the Apple trailers.
With the full codec pack I am able to play more than I can on a 
"standard" Windows box.  (There are some codecs that media player has no 
clue as to where to find.)
Yes... but can you watch this?

It's a legal download from Myspace of the first episode on the new series of 24, inside the zip IIRC is a wmv.
I can't watch it, you won't be able to buy the videos that are coming 
from places like iTunes (a whole other story) or the other places 
selling them.
By selective licensing, rightsholders of media content choose to deny 
open formats and platforms.  A consequence is that proprietary platforms 
that can decode this content have a new lease of life that Linux can't 
(well, openly) compete with.
ESR is freaking out about it and seems to be demanding a rapprochement 
with the Devil
''...Raymond warned that Linux risks getting locked out of new hardware 
platforms for the next 30 years unless it proves it can work with iPods, 
MP3s and WMP. ...''  (only the Register could follow this amazing 
$RANDOM with "It was an unexpected reality check from the unorthodox Raymond

I wish he would spend his energy promoting and encouraging liberally licensed alternative media like, which is the equivalent of FOSS in the media world.

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