Re: How to install Windows Codecs in firefox for MPLAYER

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On Mon, 21 Aug 2006, Andy Green wrote:

Keith wrote:

You won't be able to view the Apple trailers, but download the mplayer
plug in for firefox.
It's sad but if you View Source to get the embed URL you can usually wget -O- 
that URL to find the actual URL of the media file, which you can wget and use 
in mplayer.
Truly proprietary media is going to be the last fortress to fall (if it ever 
It already has.  It is just not in the distro yet due to adherence to 
Actually Apple Trailers are a codec issue.  (Exact codec name escapes 
me at the moment.) There is a win32 codec pack available on the mplayer 
site that will play just about everything, including the Apple trailers.
With the full codec pack I am able to play more than I can on a "standard" 
Windows box.  (There are some codecs that media player has no clue as to 
where to find.)
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