Re: invisible cursor in FC5_64 on A8N-VM

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And you haven't even bothered to change it?

On 8/15/06, Dave Stevens <geek@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Is there a reason why you're using the vesa X driver instead of nv or

this is what the installer loaded using defaults


> On 8/15/06, Dave Stevens <geek@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to do a clean install of the FC5_64 respin and got a good install
> except for an invisible mouse cursor. I've googled and found advice to
> disable the hardware cursor in xorg.conf. But as far as I can see there is
> reference to the hw cusor in xorg.conf, which is appended. Ideas?
> Dave

L. Friedman                                    netllama@xxxxxxxxx

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