Eric Donkersloot wrote:
On Sun, 2006-08-06 at 10:49 -0400, Croombe F. Pensom wrote:
.... I was advised to do something
which turned out to be disastrous so NEVER EVER issue the following from
a root shell
rm -rf $Home/*
Are you sure you executed the command above ? This would mean you
deleted the /root directory and all its contents. Are you sure you
didn't delete your personal home dir and everything in it ?
Anyway, I guess you've learned your lesson, don't just copy and execute
commands (especially rm commands) from a root shell.
As I found to my bitter cost, this ERASED EVERYTHING including my data
files on my USB memory stick and these were my day-to-day operating
needs such as : e-mail addresses, snail-mail addresses and phone numbers
etc., Firefox bookmarks, financial records and so on. I was DEVASTATED
to say the least. Now, following a complete re-install of FC5 I'm glad
to say I'm back in business and slowly recovering about 90% of my data
from old files saved to Zip disk.
Croombe Pensom
I think I would have learned to stay far away from the individual who
gave me the recommendation to use rm -rf $HOME/*
He may have thought it was a joke but people like that should not be
allowed to frequent public gatherings or communicate with anyone without
adult supervision. They are twisted, immature individuals.
/Linux, and Open Software, an alternative./
Registered Unix <> user #409453