Re: FC5 boot process, sendmail and sm_client???

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On 7/27/06, Alexander Dalloz <ad+lists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Deepak Shrestha schrieb:

> I have following in my /etc/hosts
> ===========
> # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
> # that require network functionality will fail.
>     webcomp
> ===========

As Paul already pointed out, it is very important to keep the localhost
mapping entry in the file. Seems you erased it completely. So readd it:               localhost.localdomain   localhost

> if I check hostname and domainname it returns
> hostname is "webcomp"
> domainname is (none)
> hostname and domainname are both same in dynamic IP and static IP
> setting only IP is changed. Dynamic IP settings works perfectly
> without delay. what should I do next?

Set HOSTNAME= in /etc/sysconfig/network to be something like
"webcomp.home.locallan". Then adjust the corresponding line in
/etc/hosts to be       webcomp.home.locallan     webcomp

Sendmail will be lucky again using as your static IP.

I added the required line and now its working perfectly. Thanks a  lot
for the help. I don't know how it is deleted because I never touched
the files myself. I used the "Network Configuration" grapical tool and
I can't remember deleting any entries there?

Thanks again  :-)

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