I cannot get my Airport Extreme card to work or the sound. Are there any links for downloading drivers. I can't seem to find any when I do a Google search. By the way, earlier I had posted a question about putting FC5 on a PowerBook with Mac OS X 10.4.7. I successfully installed it. All I did was backup the PowerBook to my FireWire drive, repartitioned putting Mac OS X on the first 60 odd gigs and a free space volume of 12 gigs. Once OS X was restored I installed FC5 with the auto partitioning in the remaining free space. Once it was installed I restarted and held down the option key which brought up the boot loader (My Mac did this before I ever installed Fedora) and I chose to boot off the Linux partition. It had a little HD icon with Tux in the lower right corner. Now when I need to reboot I hold down the option key and choose where I want to go. The self updating mechanism works great, I'm really beginning to appreciate FC5. Matt