Re: What to do when a command isn't found?

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On Thu, 6 Jul 2006, Timothy Alberts wrote:

So I get this every now and then and haven't found a smooth method of
dealing with it.  I have my desktop upgraded from FC4 to FC5 and the
command 'ifconfig' comes back with 'bash: ifconfig: command not found.'
Additionally, I have been through tutorials on the web and different
books on running commands that more often than not, the bash shell comes
back with the same message.

ifconfig is in /sbin.  That is not normally in the path.

My first question is, are the shell commands and features standardized
somewhere so that I know what commands I can expect to have no matter
what machine I'm sitting at or what type of installation I have?  My
second question is, if these commands are supposed to be there, but the
shell comes back and says they aren't, what is the procedure for finding
the commands or installing the packages required for them?

To find out what installed in a particular package

rpm -q --filesbypkg <packagename> | less

I understand the 'which xxx' command will tell me the location of the
executable that is being used when I call a command.  However it doesn't
help me find a missing command.  I also understand that typically shell
commands are in /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin among others.  If it helps,
when I type 'which ifconfig' the following is the result:

/usr/bin/which: no ifconfig in

Sorry these are fairly general questions so if it's easier to just focus
on the 'ifconfig' command that would be helpful.  Thank you for any

The two other places to look at /sbin and /usr/sbin. That is where system binaries normally used by root are kept. They are not in the standard path. (Some admins lock these apps off from non-privileged users.)

You can add them to ~/.bash_profile in the PATH variable.

Hope that helps...

"I want to live just long enough to see them cut off Darl's head and
 stick it on a pike as a reminder to the next ten generations that some
 things come at too high a price. I would look up into his beady eyes and
 wave, like this... (*wave*!). Can your associates arrange that for me,
 Mr. McBride?"
                      - Vir "Flounder" Kotto, Sr. VP, IBM Empire.

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