Bob Fletcher wrote:
On Tue, 2006-05-30 at 01:24 -0400, Dan wrote:
Bob Fletcher wrote:
Error: Missing Dependency: geronimo-specs = 1.0-0.M2.2jpp_7fc is needed by package geronimo-specs-compat
Yum appears to be trying to update
geronimo-specs = 1.0-0.M2.2jpp_7fc
but, geronimo-specs-compat (that is installed) requires the old version,
and does not appear to have a new version that will work with the new
geronimo-specs. Try doing:
yum remove geronimo-specs-compat
and see if it has any dependencies to remove.
I tried your suggestion:
yum remove geronimo-specs-compat
gives the same dependency list (19 packages) as
yum remove geronimo-specs
except that the latter command also includes the package
geronimo-specs-compat; i.e. 20 packages.
As you said disabling JPackage solves the problem, it appears to be a
JPackage problem; it's happened before. For now, you can either put
enabled=0 in a line under the appropriate heading in
/etc/yum.repos.d/jpackage.repo, or just exclude geronimo-specs and
geronimo-specs-compat in /etc/yum.conf (for now): exclude=geronimo-specs*