Jacob (=Jouk) Jansen wrote:
> How to change this? This USB disk is mounted automatically when pluged
> in. I cannot edit fstab since than the machine fails to boot when the
> disk is not present.
What directories are on the external drive that cause your system not to
boot if it isn't present? Or is it just that fstab has an entry for the
drive? If this is the case, a simple solution might be to just add
"noauto" to the mount options in fstab. This just causes the system to
not attempt to automatically mount the device at boot. Attaching the
drive after boot should still result in it being automounted. You might
also want to look at the "user" and "users" options to mount since these
allow a user to mount the device (user) and any user to unmount the
device (users).
Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
-- Ambrose Bierce