On 4/13/06, Maria Tsiolakki <tmaria@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Sorry, I don't have the answer you are looking for, but I would suggest installing via NFS and the DVD ISO, it seems much easier. If you have already downloaded (can download) the image that is. If you are tring to do a network install directly from an ftp mirror, then I am out of my league.
Hello all,
I am trying to install FC5 , x86_64, with ftp method, but it fails. It
seems that it has problem to find the base dir and stage2.img file.
The path to the ftp server is something like
pub/linux/fedora/core/5/x86_64/os/, but it complains. It gives the error
"mnt loop loop0 on /mnt/runtime as tmp/ranfs/stage2.img failed to mount
loop:Invalid argument"
Has anyone try to install it using ftp method?
Thank you in advance
As a boy I jumped through Windows, as a man I play with Penguins.