Robin Laing wrote: [snip]
FWIW, if you are looking at patch cables, in most cases it is cheaper to buy them than the cost of materials and labour to make them. In these
In my area, CAT5 prepared cable is about $1.00 USD per foot, while unprepared cable is about $0.50 USD per foot. IOW, a 5 foot cable costs about $6.00 USD. The crimping tool costs about $20 to $30 depending on quality. The connectors themselves are quite cheap, even for reasonable quality gold plated, like $0.10 USD each. Recently, I needed a 50 foot cable (umm, 16 meters or so) and found that if I bought the unprepared cable, for the same price, and the time cost of preparation, I got the tools free. A 50 foot prepared cable was about $35.00 USD, while I got the unprepared cable, crimping tool, and 5 eight pin and 10 four pin RJE connectors for $38.00 USD. So, if one needs one or two 5 foot cables, then the prepared cable is cheaper. If one needs twenty 5 foot cables, then unprepared cable is cheaper. [snip] One thing I've wondered: On what basis should one choose between using EIA 568A and EIA 568B? Electrically, they are the same. I've been out of the cable making "business" for several years, so I don't know why there are two standards for this, anyway. Mike -- p="p=%c%s%c;main(){printf(p,34,p,34);}";main(){printf(p,34,p,34);} This message made from 100% recycled bits. You have found the bank of Larn. I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you. I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!