Re: installation help

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Claude Jones wrote:
On Sat April 1 2006 10:38, Ryne Sechrist wrote:
ok well I have just been having problem after problem trying
to install fedora....i'm trying to install it on a compaq
presario, 190 ram, 800 MHZ, amd k6, ati graphics, it has
windows 98 on it right now but i'm doing a full delete of
windows and replacing it with fedora 5....well first off i
downloaded the fives images off the site and burnt them as
images...i then tried to install them which the first cd i tested all my cds and only disk 2 and 5 i redownloaded from another mirror the
rest....well on the second media check attempt only disk one i redownloaded the others from another
mirror...well that media check didn't pass either i
tried again on another mirror and check failed i
tried another and failed and the last time i tried they failed
again...well i was wondering "well disk 5 passed before so
lets see if it passes a second time" and it didn'
basically i got disk 1,2,and 5 to pass and failed 7 times on
disks 3 and 4, and i retested disk 5 and it i
tried to install fedora core 5 anyway....well everythign was
going fine untill it got to the installation of the first
disk...i got through 64% on the first disk then all of the
sudden my screen turned into a bunch of text....well i'm at
the end of my ropes and i have no idea what to do now....i
really want fedora but i can't seem to find stable images or
if my computer is too old or what? any help would be i said i really want linux and i have been tring
everything to get it to run.....any suggestions?   thanks
Given your report, and the age of your machine, my first 
suspicion would fall on the cd-rom in your machine. You could 
try cleaning it, though I've only had success with those cd 
cleaners one or two times 
I agree that is a good possibility.

Also, you did not mention that you checked the sha1sums of the downloaded iso images before burning.
In linux there is a program called sha1sum that you use as
sha1sum imagename.iso
and it returns a string of characters that represents a checksum of the file. There may be a version available on the internet for windows. Google for it.
Fedora publishes the correct sha1sum file on the web site where you 
downloaded your images.  Compare the calculated sha1sum from the command 
above with the one in the list for each of the images before ever 
burning.  If the sha1sum is correct, there is no need to download again 
- if it is incorrect, do not use that image - get another one.
If all the images have correct sha1sums, then you should also suspect 
the media you are using and possibly the speed at which you are burning. 
 Use only first-tier media known to be compatible with your burner and 
burn at a slower speed.  The added time it takes is peanuts compared to 
the troubleshooting time you spend otherwise.
Good Luck.


p.s. When you post, include some whitespace between your sentences when the topic changes. It makes it much easier for the reader to figure out what your message is about. Thanks.

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