Re: Sharing Thunderbird Mails Between Linux and Windows

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Manish Kathuria wrote:
Andy Burns wrote:
Manish Kathuria wrote:

In order to make the same set of emails accessible on both Windows XP Home and Fedora Core on my dual boot laptop
Do you have the option of leaving them on the server at all times and 
accessing them using IMAP4? If so you can also point a webmail client 
at the server when you have neither the home or laptop PC to hand ...
Not really. I have limited space per account and moreover the archived mails are now almost 1 GB. I just want to make this work smoothly.
I used to do this also, but have since just put them on my linux partition because 1. I rarely use windows on this machine anymore, 2. I hate FAT32, and 3. Thunderbird would have to rebuild summaries or something every time I opened a folder for the first time (including on startup). If I was to still share it, though, I would do what I'm now doing on my desktop: make the FAT32 partition into an ext2 partition, and get the driver for windows at . Excellent, easy to use, minimal problems, and I don't think you'd have any of the issues of FAT32's suckiness. ;) You could also make it ext3, but either way Windows would use it as an ext2 (w/o journaling for filesystem stability).

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